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You can benefit the GLPA every time you shop! Simply visit and sign into your account. Search for "Community Rewards" and click enroll. Type Greater Lexington Paralegal Association or type the code RV770. Once enrolled, you can shop as normal and the GLPA will benefit!

Upcoming Events

  • No upcoming events

continuing legal education

The GLPA Offers CLE Credits

Thank you for visiting the Greater Lexington Paralegal Association's website.  Membership includes monthly opportunities for CLE hours and lunch.  Join us the 3rd Tuesday of each month.

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Our Mission

  • Promote the paralegal profession
  • Provide seminars for the continuing legal education of paralegals
  • Act as a forum for the exchange of information
  • Promote and support professional standards
  • Communicate with the legal community and the general public
  • Participate in local and national issues that affect the profession

GLPA Committees

We need you.  Maximize your talents and be involved.  Join a committee and be a part of the process. Available committees include Social Media, Special Events, Student Relations, Philanthropy, Strategic Planning, and Policies & Procedures

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Not a member yet?

Consider the benefits of GLPA membership.  You can always visit
our membership academy at our website for more information.

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Greater Lexington Paralegal Association

P.O. Box 574

Lexington, KY 40588

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