Alison Thompson is a corporate regulatory paralegal at Investors Heritage Life Insurance Company. She has been a paralegal since 1989 after graduating from Rutgers University. Since that time, she has worked as an environmental paralegal in New Jersey (Porzio Bromberg & Newman), insurance defense litigation in New York and San Francisco (O’Melveny & Myers) and in Louisville (Frost Brown Todd). Alison continued her regulatory work while in-house at LG&E (Louisville) and with the National Thoroughbred Racing Association (Lexington). After co-owning a Thoroughbred Farm for 10 years, she returned to legal work in the Fraud Unit at the U.S. Attorneys Office (Lexington). Alison has a passion for all things equine. In addition to having horses, she also farms soybeans and nearly always has a foster dog among the 6 resident canines on the family farm. She is an Elder at Mt. Horeb Presbyterian Church.