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Membership Levels & Criteria

Membership Levels: 

Active Member: 

    1. Currently employed as a paralegal performing substantive legal tasks under the supervision and direction of a licensed attorney; AND 
    2. Is able to submit verification of one (1) of the following requirements:
    • Earned a bachelor’s or associate’s degree in paralegal studies from an ABA-accredited institution or a paralegal studies program that is not ABA approved but meets the substantive legal studies requirements pursuant to the ABA guidelines; 
    • Earned a bachelor’s or an associate’s degree in any field plus a minimum nine-month certification in paralegal studies or a certificate from an ABA-accredited institution in paralegal studies; 
    • Earned the distinction of Registered Paralegal (RP®) or CORE Registered Paralegal (CRP) as accredited by NFPA or Certified Paralegal (CP) as accredited by the National Association of Legal Assistants and is in good standing; or
    • A letter from a supervising attorney attesting to employment as a paralegal and performance of substantive legal tasks.

“Substantive legal tasks” include, but are not limited to, case planning, development, and management; legal research; interviewing clients; fact gathering and retrieving information; drafting and analyzing legal documents; collecting, compiling, and utilizing technical information to make an independent decision and recommendation to the supervising attorney.

Associate Member. 

    1. Is not currently employed or has retired as a paralegal but otherwise meets active membership requirements. Note: Associate members are not permitted voting privileges and are ineligible to serve as officers or directors of the Association.

Student Member. 

    1. Enrolled full or part time in a paralegal studies program at an ABA-accredited institution or a paralegal studies program that is not ABA approved but meets the substantive legal studies requirements pursuant to the ABA guidelines; AND
    2. Provides verification of good standing with the educational program. NoteStudent members are not permitted voting privileges and are ineligible to serve as officers or directors of the Association.

Sustaining Member.

    1. Any licensed attorney, law firm, corporation, law-related business, institution or paralegal educator interested in supporting the Association may apply for admission to the Association as a sustaining member. Note: Sustaining members are not permitted voting privileges and are ineligible to serve as officers or directors of the Association.

Adjunct Members. 

    1. A person who is a member of another paralegal association (excluding college-related student associations) and who would not otherwise qualified for active membership. NoteAdjunct members are not permitted voting privileges and are ineligible to serve as officers or directors of the Association.

Criteria for Membership: All membership applications are reviewed according to the Association’s Bylaws. Pursuant to our Association’s Bylaws, as of the date of the application; the Association has the authority to investigate any questionable membership application submitted to the Board. Attorneys not eligible to practice law in any state, whether by suspension or disbarment, are not eligible for membership in the Association; and any person convicted of a felony or who is currently incarcerated is not eligible for membership in the Association. 

Membership Period

Membership runs on an annual basis from January 1 - December 31. Membership applications and dues paid after October 15 will be applied to the following calendar year on January 1. 


Address: Greater Lexington Paralegal Association, P.O. Box 574, Lexington, KY 40588

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